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Essay/Term paper: Should you be able to speak basic english to reside in the us?

Essay, term paper, research paper:  American History

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Should You Be Able To Speak Basic English To Reside in the US?

Survey question

Do you fell that to reside in the U.S. you should know how to speak
basic English or be enrolled in a English language class?


I feel that most people will think that people should be able to speak
our language to reside here. Maybe 90% saying you should and 10%
saying you should not have to.


Americans that felt yes they should speak the language 59 out of 71
Other nationalities that felt that they should speak the language 27 out
of 29 Americans that felt they should not have to speak the language 12 out
of 71 other nationalities that felt they should not have to speak the
language 2 out of 29

By doing this survey I have learned that most people feel that foreigners
should learn to speak the English language in order to reside here. There were
also a lot of people that feel if you live in the U.S. you should be required to
speak the language in public. A lot of people seem to take offense to foreigners
that speak other languages in public. The few people that said no, commented
with "it's their own stupidity if they don't". My hypothesis was fairly close I
thought that 90% would say yes but only 86% said yes. As a final note I feel
that this may be a good item to possible survey many more people and summit it
to congress.


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